Pengaruh Social Media Marketing Melalui Instagram @aesthetic.bluepin Terhadap Brand Equity (studi Pada Followers Instagram @aesthetic.bluepin Tahun 2020)


  • Anisa Nur Beti Telkom University
  • Fanni Husnul Hanifa Telkom University


ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi internet di kehidupan manusia mempermudah komunikasi tanpa batas jarak dan waktu. Menurut survei yang dilakukan oleh pada tahun 2018 mengatakan bahwa 130 juta dari 265 juta populasi di Indonesia merupakan pengguna aktif media sosial, oleh karena itu banyak perusahaan yang memanfaatkan media sosial sebagai alat komunikasi pemasarannya, salah satunya adalah Aesthetic Bluepin. Melihat hal tersebut maka diharapkan local brand harus mampu mendominasi pasar di Indonesia dibandingkan global brand. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh social media marketing melalui Instagram @aesthetic.bluepin terhadap brand equity guna mewujudkan visi dari Aesthetic Bluepin yaitu untuk menjadi perusahaan kosmetik dan jasa estetik yang terkemuka dengan jaringan distribusi terbesar di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan variabel bebas (X) yaitu social media marketing yang terdiri dari dimensi communication, collaboration, conection, dan context. Dan variabel terikat (Y) yaitu brand equity yang terdiri dari dimensi brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, dan brand loyalty. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dalam bentuk kuesioner menggunakan google form yang disebar secara online melalui direct message kepada followers Instagram @aesthetic.bluepin, sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berjumlah 100 responden. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah probability sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data deskriptif, uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji normalitas, uji F, dan koefisien determinasi dengan menggunakan aplikasi Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 26. Lalu hasil dari analisis deskriptif dari penelitian ini didapatkan besarnya variabel social media marketing (X) yaitu sebesar 71,37% dan variabel brand equity (Y) sebesar 71,78%, keduanya berada dalam kategori tinggi. Lalu berdasarkan uji hipotesis didapatkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh social media marketing melalui Instagram @aesthetic.bluepin terhadap brand equity sebesar 84% dan sisanya 16% yaitu pengaruh oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Kata Kunci: Social Media Marketing, Connection, Communication, Context, Collaboration, Brand Equity, Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Brand Loyalty, Preceived Quality. ABSTRACT The development of internet technology in human life facilitates communication without distance and time limits. According to a survey conducted by in 2018, said that 130 million of the 265 million population in Indonesia are active users of social media, therefore many companies use social media as a marketing communication tool, one of which is Bluepin Aesthetic. Seeing this, it is expected that local brands should be able to dominate the market in Indonesia compared to global brands. This study aims to determine how much influence social media marketing through Instagram @ aesthetic.bluepin has on brand equity in order to realize the vision of Aesthetic Bluepin, which is to become a leading cosmetic and aesthetic services company with the largest distribution network in Indonesia. This study uses the independent variable (X) which is social media marketing which consists of communication, collaboration, connection, and context dimensions. And the dependent variable (Y) is brand equity consisting of dimensions of brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. The research method used is a quantitative method with the type of descriptive research. Collecting data in the form of a questionnaire using Google forms distributed online via direct messages to Instagram @ aesthetic.bluepin followers, the sample used in this study amounted to 100 respondents. The sampling technique used is probability sampling. The data analysis technique used is descriptive data analysis, validity test, reliability test, normality test, F test, and coefficient of determination using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) application 26. Then the results of the descriptive analysis of this study found the magnitude of the social media marketing variable (X) that is equal to 71.37% and the variable brand equity (Y) of 71.78%, both of which are in the high category. Then based on the hypothesis test found that there is an influence of social media marketing through Instagram @ aesthetic.bluepin on brand equity by 84% and the remaining 16% is the influence by other variables not examined in this study. Keywords: Social Media Marketing, Connection, Communication, Context, Collaboration, Brand Equity, Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Brand Loyalty, Preceived Quality.






Program Studi D3 Manajemen Pemasaran