Eksplorasi Denim Menggunakan Laser Flexi-Pro Untuk Busana Ready To Wear


  • Rahma Neysa Melina Telkom University
  • Widia Nur Utami Bastaman Telkom University


Abstract  Denim trend is now more evolve, materials and the surface design methods are constantly evolving. Not many brands in Bandung City have used flexi-pro laser and also using the iconic object of the city of Bandung as local inspiration to their products. The research entitled "Denim Surface Exploration for Ready To Wear Fashion Using Laser Flexi-Pro" aims, to design ready to wear fashion products to be more eksplorative and also to have local content from the iconic objects of the city of Bandung. This study uses qualitative methods, by conducting literature studies, interviews, observations and exploration experiments. Data from observations in the form of physical objects are processed to produce pattern module to be applied in the surface. The results of this research are ready to wear clothes with motif that inspired by the physical iconic objects of jalan layang Pasupati and cube chair in Taman Jomblo. DPI number range to produce an optimal gradation effect is in the range 35-75 DPI. The benefit of this research is to add a reference method for exploring denim for fashion products.  Keywords  Flexi-Pro Laser, Exploration, Denim, Bandung.






Program Studi S1 Kriya