Perancangan Busana Activewear Outdoor Sports Dengan Tenun Ikat Lombok Untuk Wanita Urban


  • Siti Arifa Ramadhita Telkom University
  • Rima Febriani Telkom University


Abstract Healthy lifestyle trends are currently undertaken in various ways including exercising one of them outdoor activities such as mountaineering. Mountains as a tourist attraction that is bveing visited. On the other hand, demand for outdoor equipment will continue to increase. But the choises available in the Indonesian market are still less innovative in terms of design and aesthetics and are a particular obstacle for activist of this activity. The outhor is interested in creating a comfortable activewear fashion worn for sports and everyday. Activewear clothing that was created involves elements of the local wisdom of the surrounding culture, namely the Lombok Ikat Weaving that is usually worn by climbers with the aim of creating an activewear fashion that is more varied in design.

Keywords: Healthy lifestyle, activewear, outdoor sports, mountaineering, weaving.






Program Studi S1 Kriya