Perancangan Busana Ready To Wear Wanita Menggunakan Teknik Bordir Dengan Inspirasi Pohon Manarasa Gunung Tangkuban Perahu


  • Amanda Dwi Putri Telkom University
  • Widia Nur Utami Bastaman Telkom University


Abstract Gunung Tangkuban Perahu is one of the interesting natural attractions in Bandung with Manarasa tree as the dominant vegetation. In addition to tourist attractions, West Java is known for developing techniques, namely embroidery techniques. However, there are not many fashion designers who exploit the potential of the Manarasa tree into a fashion product and lack of development of motifs on embroidery techniques. By using qualitative methods, the results of the visual exploration of Manarasa trees are using embroidery techniques and applied to evening wear clothes uses the appropriate color without reducing the value contained there in order to provide novelty to the design of clothing and the development of embroidery motifs in the form of Manarasa trees as the visual potential of the Gunung Tangkuban Perahu.

Keywords Manarasa Tree, Embroidery, Evening Wear






Program Studi S1 Kriya