Eksplorasi Teknik Smock Flower Sebagai Aplikasi Pada Produk Fashion


  • Nazlia Ratna Utami Telkom University
  • Citra Puspitasari Telkom University


ABSTRACT The fashion industry is growing rapidly and as a big influenceon the development of the fashion that encourages the emergence of a variety of techniques in the processing of the fabric in the community, among others is a technique of manipulating the fabric or engineered textile material, which is a technique to decorate cloth by utilizing some kinds of decorative technique on the surface of the fabric and on the fabric structure, such a techniques are the structure of textie design, surface design and the affix application. The processing of the fabric is applied by techniques sewing techniques that smock flower. Smock flower techniques such as in the form of a pattern flower or flowers from smock flower is not only produce in the form of flower or flowers of course, the shape of the pattern on the back or on the front of the fabric bias is used as a new variation with the composed form of the smock. In general, exploration, exploration techniques of smock flower found on the front of the fabric. As for the techniques smock flower that developed this time is more focused on exploration techniques smock flower at the back of the cloth as one of the innovations against the potential of the technique smock flower to be more explorative. The exploration techniques smock flower emphasized on the material chiffon or overlapping fabric (layering) to compose two or more the size of the smock which produces the effect of the dark and light. Smock flower techniques has a certain superiority, such as; light, thin, transparent, can provide exploration form of more explorative from the real composition, give a new form and the form produced is non-geometris. In this research, literature study conducted by analyzing the data through the journal, books, and articles. Observation also conducted by visiting a company fashion that implement smock technique, and do the exploration. The final outcome of the form of the product fashion which aplied with smock flower. Keywords: Smock flower, fashion, fabric manipulation, textile, embellishment.






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode