Pengembangan Teknik Tritik Untuk Lembaran Tekstil


  • Puji Hasanah Oktarizka Telkom University
  • Mochammad Sigit Ramadhan Telkom University


ABSTRACT Tritik is one of the fabric decorating techniques by sewing fabric bends according to the motifs made, then pulled into one lump of cloth, which is then dipped into the dye. The tritik technique has the advantage that the resulting motif is more controlled even though the depiction is not as realistic as batik. Tritik fabric initially only has one background color, which is dark blue, black and red noni. Then experience development, that is the part between the tricolor pattern is given a contrasting color, and the sewing process on the traditional is done traditionally without clear provisions, so the development of the motif design has not been maximized. Thus, researchers will make motives using geometric shapes that play on aspects of composition made with minimalism and combined with line elements and using warm colors. In the manufacture of tritik fabric, it is made using nylon thread with four threads and using batik dye (naphtol). The results of this study are strands of cloth. Keywords: dye, tritik, geometric, color, composition






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode