Perancangan Busana Fashion Berupa Tambahan Busana Kebaya Dengan Inspirasi Motif Uis Nipes Padang Rusak


  • Irma Rogabe Telkom University
  • Marissa Cory Agustina Siagian Telkom University


ABSTRACT In Indonesia came from various tribes, one of these is the Batak Karo. Batak karo has scarlet regions that called Uis and especially for woman who worn daily called Uis Nipes Padang Rusak. The existence of Uis Nipes are now starting to decline for being an start abandoned and used only for a particular occasion fine in the city of its origin or outside the city of origin. The long process of made it, classical motives an elaborate and material less comfortable being one of the reasons why people are beginning to leave this fabric. Therefore leads the innovation by making a product fashion in the form of cloth shawl and a skirt to woman with other materials which are more comfortable pair, the manufacture of shorter, a motive that more simple and certain techniques with inspiration Uis Nipes Padang Rusak. Keywords : Batak Tribe, Traditional Fabric, Uis Nipes Padang Rusak






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode