Perancangan Interior Museum Batik Jawa Barat


  • Trianita Nuur Haniifah Telkom University
  • Rizka Rachmawati Telkom University
  • Titihan Sarihati Telkom University


ABSTRACT Many museum in Indonesian is very close to the impression of an old, eerie, dark, and not well maintained. So it is undeniable that so many Indonesian people think if museum is just a storage of a historic and antique object on the display. The greatest challenge of the museum is recognizing that the museum is for the people and the future of the museum depends on their self-development to meet the needs of the people. Therefore, the museum must be able to change the mind of that people by optimizing the function of the museum for the visitors, that is research, education and leisure. To make it happen, museum condition must be designed with a comfortable, interesting and fun so that the information provided by the museum can be well learned by visitors or the people. With a good planned interior design of the museum and in accordance with the basic interior design principles, such as on the visitors circulation system, display setup, presentation techniques of the collection, interactive facilities, the establishment of the atmoshphere, lighting plan, sounding plan and the other technical aspects, then a museum exhibition view which educate and fun will be created. So that the minds of people about the museum can be changed and the museum in Indonesia would be more advanced. Keyword : museum interior, exhibition, interactive, fun, comfortable, display, education, design. ABSTRAK Banyak museum di Indonesia yang sangat dekat dengan kesan kuno, angker, gelap, dan tidak terawatt. Sehingga tidak dipungkiri bahwa banyak masyarakat Indonesia yang berpikiran bahwa museum hanya tempat penyimpanan benda – benda antik bersejarah yang dipamerkan. Tantangan terbesar dari museum yaitu mengenali bahwa museum adalah untuk masyarakat dan masa depan museum bergantung pada pengembangan diri mereka untuk memenuhi kebuthan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu museum harus mampu mengubah pemikiran masyarakat tersebut dengan mengoptimalkan fungsi museum pada pengunjung yaitu penelitian, edukasi, dan rekreasi. Untuk mewujudkannya, kondisi museum harus dibuat dngan nyaman, menarik, dan menyenangkan agar informasi yang disediakan museum dapat dipelajari dengan baik oleh pengunjung atau masyarakat. Melalui perancangan interior ruang pamer yang baik dan sesuai dengan dasardasar perancangan interior, seperti pada system sirkulasi pengunjung, system penataan display koleksi, Teknik presentasi koleksi, fasilitas interaktif, pembentukan suasana pameran yang mengedukasi dan menyenangkan akan tercipta. Sehingga pemikiran masyarakat menenai museum data berubah dan museum di Indonesia jadi semakin baik. Kata Kunci : Interior museum, pameran, interaktif, menyenangkan, nyaman, edukasi, tata pajang, desain






Program Studi S1 Desain Interior