Accomplishment Of Applied Esthetic In Outdoor Politic Campaign Media Of President Candidate Joko Widodo


  • Taufan Hidayatullah UNIKOM


Outdoor media is a commercial media that placed outside the building. Usually placed in strategic location that can easily seen by public. Strategicly placed and effective messages will give positive effect for the commercial product. In politic campaign context, the product is the politic messages by the politicians.
In future presidential campaign period 2014-2019, outdoor media become one of media communication used by the candidates, Prabowo Subianto and JokoWidodo. Through those media, both candidates explain their program or slogans which represent their image. Banner is one of them (a commercial that use fabric or the like, that spread use string or buffer). In Bandung, the use of banner by both candidates evenly spread.
With banner, design aspect can importantly be noted. Design banner use typography, photography/illustration and color elements. Those visual elements are composed to give esthetic values in design. In this matter, the estheticvalue role importantly, beside technology and knowledge aspects.
This is about studying design in the banner of president candidate JokoWidodo. The study will focus on esthetic accomplishment in the banner design, using applied esthetic approached, assess the aspects of esthetic and function. From this study the accomplishment in applied esthetic as a form of formalistic matters and the relation of function value in the media as the deliverer and receiver.
Keyword: Politic Campaign, Outdoor Media, Esthetic,


