Analisis Efek Propagasi Multipath Pada Deteksi Sinyal Radar Kendaraan


  • Nyimas Adella Telkom University
  • Dharu Arseno Telkom University
  • Aloysius Adya Pramudita Telkom University


Abstrak Self driving car merupakan mobil dengan kemudi otomatis yang membutuhkan sistem radar pada mobilnya. Namun, dalam perambatan sinyal radar tidak luput dari gangguan propagasi multipath. Propagasi multipath terjadi ketika receiver radar akan menerima banyak sinyal dari jalur berbeda akibat pantulan dari objek lain disekitar target yang berdekatan dengan jalur utama. Propagasi multipath tentunya dapat menimbulkan gangguan pada pendeteksian radar. Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh propagasi multipath pada sistem radar self driving car yang melakukan pendeteksian menggunakan metode simulasi sinyal dengan perangkat lunak. Aplikasi sistem radar kendaraan menggunakan Long Range Radar (LRR) dengan jenis sinyal Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW). Pendeteksian jarak target oleh sistem radar FMCW dengan mendapatkan frekuensi beat dari proses Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) dan pendeteksian kecepatan target dengan menggunakan frekuensi Doppler. Dari hasil simulasi sistem radar FMCW yang telah dirancang terbukti dapat mendeteksi jarak dan kecepatan target dengan baik. Sedangkan pengaruh efek propagasi multipath terbukti mengurangi kinerja radar dengan akurasi pendeteksian jarak yang dipengaruhi tiga multipath sebesar 94.18469%, lima multipath sebesar 88.33074%, dan delapan multipath sebesar 79.54567%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin banyak propagasi multipath yang terjadi semakin kecil akurasi pendeteksian jarak target oleh radar. Kata Kunci: Doppler, FMCW Radar, Multipath, Self Driving Car. Abstract Self driving car is automatic steering car that requires a radar system. However, the propagation of radar signals does not escape from multipath propagation interference. Multipath propagation occurs when a radar receiver receives many signals from different paths due to reflections from other objects around the target that are close to the main path. Multipath propagation can certainly cause interference with radar detection. This research analyzes the effect of multipath propagation on a self driving car radar system that carries out detection using a signal simulation method with software. Vehicle radar system applications use Long Range Radar (LRR) with the type of signal Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW). Detecting target range by the FMCW radar system by getting beat frequencies from the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) process and detecting target velocity using Doppler frequencies. From the simulation results of the FMCW radar system that has been designed it is proven to be able to detect the target range and velocity well. While the multipath propagation effect is proven to reduce radar performance with range detection accuracy affected by three multipaths are 94.18469%, five multipaths are 88.33074%, and eight multipaths are 79.54567%. Can be concluded that the more propagation of multipath smaller the accuracy of detecting the target range by the radar. Keywords : Doppler, FMCW Radar, Multipath, Self Driving Car.






Program Studi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi