Karakterisasi Jenis Tanah Dan Kandungan Air Menggunakan Metode Induksi Medan Magnet


  • Bella Fortunella Dewi Telkom University
  • Dudi Darmawan Telkom University
  • ABRAR Ismardi Telkom University


Abstrak Metoda Non Destructive Test (NDT) merupakan proses pengujian terhadap suatu objek tanpa merusak bagian atau fungsi dari objek yang akan diuji. Penelitian ini menggunakan salah satu metoda NDT yaitu metoda induksi medan magnet. Metoda induksi magnet ini diharapkan dapat mengetahui hubungan pengaruh kadar air dengan tanah, dengan memvariasikan kadar air 10,15,20,25,30 gr dan berbagai jenis tanah yaitu tanah laterit, tanah endapan, tanah humus, tanah liat, tanah vulkanik. Pengujian menggunakan dua jenis koil yang berperan sebagai transmitter dan receiver yang diinduksi tepat ditengah objek. Respon nilai tegangan yang terukur pada koil receiver, dianalisis dengan melihat perbedaan antara penambahan variasi kadar air untuk setiap jenis tanah. Berdasarkan pengukuran, seluruh tanah sensitif terhadap jarak antar koil dan penambahan kadar air. Kandungan air dapat ditentukan dengan mengamati perubahan tegangan antara tanah sebelum dan sesudah diberi kadar air. Dari keseluruhan pengujian yang dilakukan, tanah liat dan vulkanik memiliki perubahan nilai tegangan terbesar terhadap penambahan kadar air 30 gr yaitu 32 V dan 32,6 V.

Kata Kunci : Non Destructive Test (NDT), Metoda Induksi Medan Magnet, Tanah , Kadar Air, Respon ggl

The Non Destructive Test (NDT) method is process of testing toward an object without damaging part of function of the object that will be tested. Researcher used one of NDT method which was magnetic field induction. Magnetic field induction was expected to be able to find out the relation of water content effect and soil, with coordinating water content 10,15,20,25,30 gr and several types of soil such as laterite soil, sedimentary soil, humus soil, clay and volcanic soil. This examination used two types of coil that played role as inducted transmitter and receiver right in the middle of the object. Measured voltage response value in receiver coil was analyzed by seeing the difference between variation addition of water content to all type of soil. Based on the measurement, all soil was sensitive toward range between coil and addition of water content. Water content could be determined by observing the change of voltage between soil before and after being given by water content. From all the tests, voltage of coil are increased when the water given. The biggest change of voltage is clay and volcanic soil by the addition of 30 gr is 32 V and 32,6 V.

Keywords : Non Destructive Test (NDT), Magnetic Field Induction, Soil, Water Compotition, GGL Respons






Program Studi S1 Teknik Fisika