Analisis Peran Smart City Terhadap Pengembangan Komunitas


  • Natalia Celeste Telkom University
  • Grisna Anggadwita Telkom University


Abstrak Dalam memaksimalkan pertumbuhan ekonomi kreatif di Indonesia diperlukan bantuan dalam peran pemerintah agar dinilai sangat potensial untuk menggerakkan roda perekonomian domestik pada tahun-tahun mendatang. Bandung Creative Hub sebagai salah satu pusat kreatif kota Bandung Interior Design mencermikan gaya kreativitas yang sesuai dengan sub sector ekonomi kreatif. Berdirinya Bandung Creative Hub tak lepas dari faktor support system yang diberikan pemerintah untuk komunitas ekonomi kreatif.. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian metode kualitatif dengan penyajian secara deskripitif eksploratif. Sumber data dalam penelitian adalah Kepala UPT Bandung Creative Hub, Koordinasi Kegiatan Komunitas dan empat Kepala Sub sector ekonomi kreatif. Data diperoleh dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi.Teknik keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan metode. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data dapat diketahui stakeholder engagement terhadap komunitas di Bandung Creative Hub memberi pengaruh terhadap pengembangan komunitas pada variabel ini terdapat banyak stakeholder yang terlibat dalam pengembangan komunitas dimana masing-masing stakeholder memiliki peran yang berbeda untuk mengembangkan industri kreatif di kota Bandung, dengan adanya keterlibatan stakeholder yang terkait untuk mengembangkan komunitas dan adanya pemberdayaan sumber daya dilakukan oleh stakeholder.Pada Variabel Support System, hasil dari penelitian menemukan bahwa pengaruh support system yaitu Adminstrative support , Secretarial support dan Facilities Support mempengaruhi perkembangan industri kreatif di kota Bandung, sedangkan Business Expertise tidak mempengaruhi perkembangan komunitas kreatif di kota Bandung. Kata Kunci : Smart ciy, stakeholders,support system. Abstract In maximizing the growth of creative economic in Indonesia, special assistance is needed to help in the role of the government so that it can potentially be moved to move the wheels of the domestic economy in the coming years. Bandung Creative Hub are one of the creative city centers of Bandung Interior Design reflects the style of creativity that is in accordance with the creative economy sub-sector. The establishment of the Bandung Creative Hub is inseparable from the suppor system factor provided by the government for the creative economic community This study uses qualitative methods, using data collection techniques by observation and interviews. The interview process was carried out on the actors involved in community development related to the Head of the Bandung Creative Center UPT, Chair of the Creative Community and the creative community of BCH. This research is a qualitative method research with descriptive exploratory presentation. The source of thed data in the study are the Head of UPT Bandung Creative Hub, Community Activity Coordination and four division heads from the creative economy sub sector. Data obtained by interview, observation and documentation. The validity of the data validity in this study use source and methods triangulation. Based on the results of data processing, it can be known that stakeholder engagement with the community in Bandung Creative Hub has a lot of influence on community development in this variable, there are many stakeholders involved in community development where each stakeholder has a different role to develop the creative industry in Bandung. relevant stakeholders to develop the community and the empowerment of resources carried out by stakeholders.In the Support System Variable, the results of the study found that the influence of the support system, namely Adminstrative support, Secretarial support and Facilities Support influenced the development of the creative industry in Bandung, while Business Expertise did not affect the development of the creative community in Bandung. Keywords : Smart ciy, stakeholders,support system.






Program Studi S1 Manajemen (Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi & Informatika)